Reduce delay of power button pressed

On most computers, running Mate, when pressed the power button, the prompt to shutdown appears immediately. On my laptop Acer Swift, it appears after 1 second. How to reduce this delay? In the Bios I tested all options with no success.
I think this is the same issue as: Link
Here is a record:

Hi Philippe,

tl;dr: You can't, and according to the link you shared, you already knew that

I also have an Acer Swift (Acer Swift One) and as far as I know this delay is hardcoded or hardware based on the firmware side of the ACPI, so it is out of reach for the operating system (that goes for both windows and linux).

It also can't be adjusted from the BIOS (which would be the only right place to adjust this setting).

The only thing you can do is define your own hotkey combo to trigger an immediate poweroff (or use the infamous three-finger-salute).
The alternative would be to beg Acer for a BIOS patch to make it possible but I have a slight hunch that they won't go there.

There is a very good reason why Acer build this delay:
The powerbutton is on the keyboard just besides the DEL key and therefore I have hit it occasionally by accident. Without the delay this would have turned many times into involuntarily powerdowns. Therefore I am very very happy with the delay.

On my Thinkpad T420 there is no delay, but the powerbutton is also NOT on the keyboard :wink:


Just curious now, seems like @Philippe said previously hitting the power button would bring up a prompt for shutdow and I read @tkn saying pushing it on computer results in total shutdown without prompt. I added to panel a shutdown and clicking on it seems to instantly bring up the shutdown prompt, yes this is not solution.


I'm entire agree with you. I don't try to modify that behavior.

Both statements are correct, because the resulting action depends on the powersettings. :slight_smile:


Thanks was on data cap and could not view video.
OK on my system with these settings (my normal) when I press the power off it immediatialy displays on screen and not notification area which is top left. Have everything set to ask which is probably why I didn't see problem. :grinning: