Remote control of linux laptop cross the world

My wifeś mother live in Asia and I want to set up a laptop with video conferencing. The old lady only have to power the laptop on, and it boot up in jitsi.

I want to remote control it and found Teamviewer for Linux who remote control over internet. I run Ubuntu Mate on my laptop, and probably Lubuntu on the other laptop.

I just want to have a opensource alternative toTeamviewer?


Would VNC work? There are many servers available in the repositories. I use TightVNC as a client.

It would probably work, but I have to open ports in the router… and i am not sure if the router in Asia is in a language I understand :confused:

But I will check out Tightvnc, thanks.

Perhaps something like NoMachine?

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If the laptop has UM on it - have you considered X2Go ? It works over standard ssh ports, so avoiding router config.

X2Go support is one of UM’s guiding objectives and goals :grinning:


It is in Software Boutiqe, so I will try it out. Thanks :slight_smile:

The way I’ve set this up for my family is:

  • Rented a cheap dedicated server
  • Installed Debian on it
  • Installed OpenVPN, and created keys for every machine in my family
  • Distributed the keys

When someone wants support they call me and I tell them to fire up the VPN, they have Vino server running automatically at session start and set to only listen on loopback, and I use remmina to connect to them by piping the VNC connection through the SSH port.

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I already have a Raspberry Pi with OpenVPN that I use to see Norwegian tv when I am in Asia. I could use that connection, but I am afraid that if the laptop in Asia is stolen then my home lan is open…

Perhaps I could only allow the OpenVPN connection when I need it, disable the “Asia-user” on my OpenVPN server (Raspberry Pi) as a default…

I have to check it out.


So that wasn’t clear from my post but the server that’s hosting the VPN needs to have a static, public IP address. So if the server is in a LAN that won’t work.

I decided to use 2 different ways to remote control the laptop in Asia.

  1. No remote control program was as easy as Teamviewer over internet. Over LAN, no problem. So i use Teamviewer for now.

  2. Grandson to my motherinlaw. He is 14 and if he get a laptop at grandma perhaps he visit her more often :slight_smile:

I install Ubuntu Mate 16.04 LTS on the laptop and both English and his language and use windows layout. If he break the laptop we just have to live with it :slight_smile:

I try to look at all your suggestions, but my knowledge is not high enough to manage to remotely connect over internet. But thanks to everyone.
