Removed Cairo Dock from Software Sources, Still Using Package--Opinion?

Hi. I removed Cairo Dock from Software Sources so that when I ran the Software Updater, it didn't give me the message about "Failed to download repository...". However, I am still using the package and it is installed in Synaptic. I was wondering if removing the listing in Software Sources, but still using the program is a security concern, or does it not matter because Cairo Dock already wasn't supported through Software Sources, hence the message error when running the Updater


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you removed the ppa from software sources, not the actual cairo so it remains installed.


tl;dr Don't worry, you did the right thing, no added risks whatsoever.

Cairo dock is no longer maintained by the cairo-dock-team-ppa since
Ubuntu 'Vivid'.

Since then, Cairo-Dock has been added to the standard 'ubuntu-universe' repository. That means that the caito-dock-team PPA can be removed safely. In other words: Your system hasn't been using that PPA for ages so the best thing (you did) is to get rid of it. :slight_smile:

p.s. No it is not a security concern. You are using an up to date version that will keep on receiving updates.