Rename Caja-Dropbox?

I personally think the Numix theme and UM are an amazing pairing, but I just noticed one little thing that bugs me just a tad on it. I’ve noticed that the Numix Circle icon for Dropbox does not work. I’m assuming that this is because the program is named “Caja Dropbox.” Is there anyway for the program to simply be renamed Dropbox?

As it’s just the theme, the easiest option is to do this the other way round – rename the icon in theme to caja-dropbox or edit the launcher file:

You can modify this by pressing ALT + F2 and typing:

gksudo pluma /usr/share/applications/caja-dropbox.desktop

Then change




I think that should do it. If not, you can manually specify the path to the Numix version of the icon.

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This is why I love Ubuntu MATE, someone always has an answer! Thanks!