Restore Ambiant-MATE & Themes

It’s my fault for trying different desktop environments and then later purging them. I did something to lose the default Ubuntu MATE themes. How do I restore them? Also, some things in Appearance say “Ambiant-MATE” GTK+ is missing. How do I restore that? I tried ‘sudo apt-get install mate-themes’ but i ma told that they are already the newest version. I am using Ubuntu MATE 14.04 as I like LTS releases.

I think the package your looking for is ubuntu-mate-themes and not mate-themes.

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Awesome! Thanks v3xx! Doing that installed both gtk3-engines-unico and ubuntu-mate-themes. I assume the gtk3 engine was the part missing in the GTK+ message I was getting which I no longer see.

You are welcome :smiley: