I am a novice linux user but not "new"
I have 3 Ubuntu 20.04 lts laptops, as well as a 20.04 lts desktop that I maintain at home on a private network from my lil old asus 1000p running ubuntu mate 20.04.
On each piece I have my own account with like username/password with sudo privledges on each requiring the same pass.
this gets redundant in console with ssh user@#.#.#.#, then enter myuserpass and then using sudo command and then also entering sudopass to continue on.
What I would like to do is write a small shell script for each system that I could call from say .sshshorthostname that would first open a new terminal tab and then connect to the specific host via ssh myuser@ipaddress, login with my current userpass and "automagically" achieve sudo.
I have read some different things about expect and sshpass and am unsure of which way I should proceed.
Any tips, ideas or suggestion would be greatly appreciative.