Screen cut off Mate 16.04

I have a PowerPC G5, I just installed Ubuntu Mate 16.01. I have Geforce 6600 (card). The top portion of the screen is cut off about 1/4 inch. The mouse does move into that area (although it's cut off and there is room for it. It is not cut off by the limits of the screen. It looks like the displayed area is smaller pixel-wise) and I can click the power option button on the top status bar even though I cannot see it. My monitor is a Gateway LE1936 (FPD1976W)



Standard options except more memory and larger hard drive.

1440x900 native and Ubuntu Mate is set to this. I tried all the video settings such as vertical refresh rate, resolution, etc... I know this is out of LTS, but hoping someone had a similar problem.


Certainly there are community members that would solve this better and faster than me, but I would like to (try to) help while there is no other responses.

First, welcome to the community!

Moving on, is the image on this monitor correct if you connect it to another computer?

Can you send a photo of the problem, for example using your cellphone? This way we can understand better if the problem is on your monitor or on the system. Has this problem happened since the time of installation, or after some time of use?

In case the monitor works correctly on another computer, if possible, please create a bootable USB using Ubuntu Mate 20.04 and tell us if the problem persist on the live session, on the problematic computer (you do not need to install it). Every little information can help us to help you better.

Just to make sure, have you tried to reset your monitor to factory settings? I apologize if I am suggesting things that are obvious to you, that you may have already tried.

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