Screen cut off on right side - can't click continue button

I am trying to install Mate 17.04 onto Virtual Box. When I get to the screen to enter location, the continue button on the right side is cut off because the right side of the screen is cut off. I can not figure out how to extend the screen. When I extend the window, the window Ubuntu is in will widen, but the Ubuntu screen will not widen. There is too little of the continue button shown to work so I had to abandon the install twice. Any fix???

Hi @fjgh. We were just discussing this:

I do the "Try" instead of "Install" then change resolution.


I had more problems than I thought. I tried the “try first” but then it hung up at the auto download program screen. What I did notice was that VM set i386 ubuntu mate to x64. I manually set it to x32. I also set the cpu in VM to pae/nx for the processor.

After doing all this ubuntu mate installed without any more problems. I am not sure at what point the screen resolution fixed itself but that was ok too.

Thanks for your help,
Rick fjgh

I may be able to add something about VirtualBox and screen resolution. I was just playing with it recently and here’s what I found while it’s fresh on my cluttered mind:

My version 5.1.22 of VirtualBox “remembers” screen resolution and this memory is independent of snapshots. That is, restoring a snapshot doesn’t restore this remembered resolution - something a little strange IMHO.

But first time running this memory seems to always start at 800x600 which is too small for a lot of things, including the Ubuntu-MATE Install which needs at least 1024x768.

I noticed this by running “Try” and changing resolution. Now, VirtualBox remembers this resolution so a subsequent boot selecting “Install” will use this new resolution instead of 800x600.

Just getting this down for future reference. :slight_smile:

I had same problem i know i am from the feature :sweat_smile: we are now in 2022.
But i have good news i had same problem and i fix it.

1- Close your running vm-machine
2- Change the settings of the virtual machine that you use
go to settings >> Display >> tab(Screen) >> Graphic controller change it to "VBoxSVGA"
3- Save it and run your virtual machine.
4- Go to "view" at the top bar then choose "virtual screen 1" and choose your resolution

If (you have black screen){
change the resolution to a smaller one
keep going until you get the screen then after some time you can make your resolution work
i think he just download it that why he give black screen.
} else {