Screen goes black when I run "sudo lshw"

If I run the lshw command as user, I see what you’d expect to see.

(I won’t reproduce the output here, unless someone thinks it might be useful.)

But if I run sudo lshw, and then count to five, both my monitors go black, with a blinking white line-cursor at the upper left of the main monitor.

My only escape from this black screen (as far as I know, though maybe there’s a better way) is to press the reset button on the front of my computer.

This is on Ubuntu-MATE Trusty 14.04.5 LTS.

Would anyone know why this be happening, & how I can fix it?


This may be a bug, as its very similar to this:

(Except I don’t get the “smashed stack” error message.)

You should try shutting down the machine using the magic SysReq key instead of reset button, so that log files are flushed to disk and you can retrieve the /var/log/kern.log for analysis.

Do Alt+SysReq, then the sequence (reisub).

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I’ve heard of this, but it doesn’t work for me. I’ve also heard that you have to type r-e-i-s-u-b really slowly, but that doesn’t work for me, either.

Is there another command that will get me out of the black screen more gracefully than hitting reset?

You gotta hold Alt+PrintScr down while you’re tying REISUB, have you?

No, didn’t know that. I’ll do it that way next time, thanks for the tip.
I wonder why that key combo. . . .