Screensaver problem

New installation of 22.04 / jammy with Kernel Linux 6.5.0-25-generic x86_64.

Screensaver choices are unticked and power management are set to 'never' but screen goes black in a few minutes until next keystroke to wake screen.
Same settings as previously till 5.15.0-100 after which completely reinstalled.

AFAIK it depends on the DPMS implementation.
For instance: My laptop honours the settings but my desktop doesn't.

There are several ways around it.

You can set it for the current user:


  1. Go to startup preferences (in control panel) and create an entry by clicking the add button. Then fill that entry with the following information:
    Name: Stop Screen Blanking
    command: xset -dpms s off s noblank s 0 0 s noexpose
    comments: This prevents the screen from going blank.
    Delay: 0


  1. Add to your ~/.xinitrc file any or all of the following lines:
xset s off         # don't activate screensaver
xset -dpms         # disable DPMS (Energy Star) features.
xset s noblank     # don't blank the video device

Or you can disable it systemwide:

Edit '/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf'

# Dump core
xserver-command=X -core


# Dump core
xserver-command=X -dpms -core

many thanks, TKN

Changed the startup prefs - works perfectly.