What about adding in a “shutter” like function where one can take a screen shot of a specific part of their desktop using the printscreen key instead of having to take the full desktop shot and editing it in an image editing application?
I find myself using shutter far more than the standard ubuntu screen shot application.
If you use the screenshot app included with Ubuntu MATE you can select between whole desktop, current windows or highlight a specific portion of you screen
Hi, I know about shortcuts to take screenshot of a window or for a whole desktop, but what is a shortcut for taking screenshot of an area?
Thanks in advance!
I would recommend installing Shutter. This is a program that allows for all kinds of selective screen shot. it even allows you to take screen shots of menus alone. here are some examples:
Thanks a lot, I will give try to it.
Although I was able to set up shortcut for default screenshot app to take area screenshot, but seems there is no option for automatically coping to clipboard.
Can you please tell how you set up caffeine, so that it indicator works properly? I could not do it on my laptop.
Once installed, you need to lock this version so it does not get “upgraded” to the latest (inferior, in my opinion) version whenever you run updates or upgrades.
To do this, copy and paste the following in a terminal:
echo caffeine hold | sudo dpkg --set-selections
At which point, if you re-open Caffeine, you will find it works well like it used to. That is to say, with a panel indicator and the capacity to nominate specific programs to trigger it.
Why, in God’s name, it was ever “upgraded” to the newer, inferior, version is beyond me.
my solution was to install shutter, and then create a keyboard shortcut with the command “shutter -s -e” the first argument is related with selection area ss e the second one is to exit the program after taking screenshot (without this second one the shutter GUI will appear).
For everyone who are taking a lot of area-screenshots, i would like to add another idea:
In CompizConfig Settings-Manager you can set a Hotkey to make a screenshot of an area.
In my settings this is the Super-Key (= Windows-key) and Button 1 (= left mouse button).
Action: Press and hold the Super-Key and mark an area with the left mouse button. The screenshot will be saved (default) on your desktop.
In CompizConfig Settings-Manager search for "Screenshot".
Under menu, search for screenshot then select Take Screenshot. (You can right-click on it and pin it for faster access ) From there you should be able to see an option for select area to grab .