10 June 2017 15:09
With recent MATE 1.18 sensors applet doesn’t show hddtemp sensor, although libhddtemp.so exists and hddtemp works under user in “disk” group:
~$ dpkg -L mate-sensors-applet |grep hddtemp
~$ hddtemp /dev/sda
/dev/sda: Hitachi HDP725050GLA360: 38°C
With previous MATE versions (gtk2) I hadn’t this issue. Can anyone confirm this behavior?
I’m not sure how to confirm, the sensor looks the same to me under 16.04 and 17.04. Is it normal there’s some indicators with really unhelpful names such as “temp1” ? (I’ve never used that stuff before)
I remember some people reported that in the past, and problem always was in the default hddtemp configuration: it wasn’t set to run as daemon.
Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure hddtemp
and set it to run as daemon.
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