Should I update to Ubuntu MATE 24.04 in August?

Hi guys and gals, long time no post, lol!

I am using UM 22.04.4 and am waiting till the .1 release, but I've had some issues with UM 24.04 in my virtual machine and have had to reinstall it from scratch. Also the boot up Ubuntu MATE logo on the Plymouth screen is broken on the VM install, which is weird because I did a fresh install and that particular problem remained! I've also read a bunch of issue with the installer, even though I am planning on trying the in OS upgrade, but if things go south I will need to run a clean install and restore my data.

Do you think there is chances that the new installer will present with any problems?

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The only issue I discovered is which was discovered too late for a real fix, thus the workaround was to force format on re-install, preventing what I like calling a non-destructive re-install. The hope is that will get fixed, and thus format won't be forced with 24.04.1, or maybe 24.10 & 24.04.2.

That shouldn't impact you, given you said

ie. as the forced format mandates you restore data.

Of course, every installer has quirks that can be triggered by specific hardware or firmware, thus your experience can differ to that of the older ubiquity installer, but the new installer does have some benefits in with its change.

If you want to make sure; you could always download a 23.10 ISO using ubiquity, as it'll have the easiest upgrade to 24.04, and you can always use that as a last-resort option (ie. install 23.10 & release-upgrade to 24.04; 23.10 to 24.04 being far easier than 22.04 to 24.04). That ISO will become harder to find once 23.10 reaches EOL in what is now a few days.


Have joined the 24.04 Club in the last couple of days. Did a clean install. There was indeed a problem with the installer about half way through the initial stage when it was asking about options. The installer asked if it might be updated, downloaded some files, and then exited. The 24.04 desktop generated by the live disc was just underneath though, so it was a simple matter to select the installer icon thereon and continue with the installation.

It's a while since I have carried out a format and a few things have changed. The Software Boutique has gone and the "App Center" is only slightly more reliable than the old Software Center. Fortunately, I have learned enough in the last few years just to use the Terminal or Synaptic.

My rig is a bit long in the tooth these days. Hardware issues are cropping up and I should really be thinking of writing to Santa, in my very best handwriting! Meantime though 24.04 has given her a bit of a boost, a new lease of life.

There is always a "through the looking glass" feeling after a long-delayed upgrade, but it's not altogether unpleasant.

So far so good.

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