My in-laws have two desktop computers running the latest version of Ubuntu Mate and Skype using the same login (One downstairs and one upstairs). On the computer downstairs, Skype works great after reset but after uses Firefox and chrome to view web video content (mainly you tube) its Skype audio does not work either no incoming or outgoing sound but call notification pop-ups occur. Only a computer reset resolves the problem. It seems like a sound locking or routing problem. Skype support suggest uses their preview as I did but it does not help. I installed paprefs and set simultaneous output streams. I checked the alsamixer and volume using pavucontrol. Restarting Skype does not help. They are seniors and I need somehow to resolve this. Any help would be appreciated. If you need more low level information I can try to get it.
Hi @kiryat8
Can you check how the sound card is looking like in sound control before and after a youtube video ?
You can get to sound control via the Control panel :
Take screenshots before and after to see if something changed
I am sorry but some of the labels are in Hebrew!
This evening I called them on Skype but Skype did not ring.
I called him on his cell phone and he called me by Skype and the audio was OK this time.
It is hit and miss, sometimes he cannot hear and sometimes I can not or both.
He shared his screen and I took screen shots of the sound configuration.
I saw in the Skype sound definitions a simultaneous output button which I directed him to turn on.
Maybe this will cause it to ring on incoming calls.
Will check again tomorrow evening as every day it seems to happen.
Let's hope
For a senior, I would advise to use google duo. You create a google account, connect with that to duo and next, just leave this web page opened on the PC.
Best choice of compatible browser will be chromium.
It's easier to use and easy to set-up, in fact, the only needed thing to call someone is to have his/her number saved on your phone.
Don't forget to enable notifications on your browser
I finally uninstalled Zoom and Telegram on the Ubuntu Mate desktop and this seems to resolved the problem for some reason. Both Telegram and Zoom were not activated at startup.