Snap Manager App

I just installed Ubuntu Mate 21.04 and i like it a lot. App menu works well, Yaru MATE is excellent, traditional desktop better than ever. But after about two week use, some ideas came to my mind. It should be a snap manager that can be accessed from the Software Boutique or from the control settings. Latest user should be able to easily edit the connections of Snap packages and change their theme or remove it. This can already be done from the terminal emulator, but it would be nice if something like this.

Thank you.

Hi :slight_smile:
Glad you enjoy Ubuntu Mate :smiley:
It's true, the snap store should maybe be present on the system after installation of the OS.
Maybe there is a reason we don't know why it is not like this by default.

Arbitrary, you can install the snap-store with this command :

sudo snap install snap-store

and find it under the regular menu :

Enjoy using UM :slight_smile: