So tell me about Minecraft

Well hello everyone.

My kids are here for a couple of weeks and they really want me to play Minecraft with them. I know nothing about the game. Well I know a little. I got them a server, which they don’t use because they always want to play HungerGames and jump on various other servers.

My question is what do adults do? Can you point me in the right direction of places to go, things to read, servers to visit?


P.S. Maybe we should have the official Ubuntu Mate Minecraft Server :wink:

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I usually play survival, ultra hardcore or I just build. I like Minecraft because you can play it in any way you want or like. I sure would love a server to play some UMMC (Ubuntu Mate Minecraft).

Just visit the official Minecraft wiki for info.

+1 to the Wiki, it’s a very useful resource for getting to learn all things Minecraft, and all the different elements of the game.

The game also encourages young minds to code, such as the Minecraft: Pi Edition by using Python to control the environment. It’s for the Raspberry Pi and free of charge. :smile:

Since it’s a Java game with a very active modding community, it’s a good opportunity for learning a bit of Java and start making your own plug-ins for the server! Such platforms are Spigot (fork of Bukkit – which has legal issues), the very young Sponge API, and of course Forge.

The game is only limited by your imagination. :wink:

Well spent most of today playing and I have to say it is fairly addictive. My boy’s have had their own server for a week now and haven’t been on it. So I am thinking of opening it up to the community… If anyone is interested pm me for ip and port… It can have up 24 people on at once.

I am not game player but my grandchildren ages 12 and 10 love Mindcraft. Both have tried to get me addicted but I just can’t wrap my head around games, online or board. For example, I have a character on a roleplay forum that I started creating in 2004 and have never played the game that is now part of the “city.” Now if they were here they could give you some great pointers. Good luck.