[SOLVED] 14.04.2 LTS - Korean characters doesn't display

So I upgraded from 14.04.1 LTS to 14.04.2 LTS with clean install. Prior to upgrading, my ubuntu understands korean characters and displays them properly. Now all I can see is a big block instead of the proper character.

Is this somekind of unicode related problem? how do i fix this?

Btw, strangely my computer is able to display japanese and chinese properly.

Oh… also this character problem seems to be system wide; i.e website containing korean character doesn’t display the proper characters.

Is the Korean font package installed? Something like fonts-naum.

I don’t think so…I thought in my previous 14.04.1 installation I didn’t need to add fonts-nanum. Perhaps now it doesn’t come as default?

$ ls
abyssinica                 kacst-one      padauk           ttf-indic-fonts-core
dejavu                     lao            sinhala          ttf-khmeros-core
droid                      liberation     takao-gothic     ttf-punjabi-fonts
fonts-japanese-gothic.ttf  msttcorefonts  tibetan-machine  ubuntu-font-family
freefont                   openoffice     tlwg

Thanks Wimpy. I installed the font with sudo apt-get install fonts-nanum and all is good now. Thanks for the hint :slight_smile:

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