SOLVED :: Issue with Torrent file tracker denying access

I tried to download the 64bit alpha version with transmission got the following error.
“requested download is not authorised with this tracker”
I can access the HTTP version
why is the torrent restricted ?? Forgive me not that familiar with torrents, thought I would share the load around, use a torrent, and not use the HTTP server. maybe next time

Sounds like a problem with how the torrent was generated on Canonical’s servers.

Did you try fetching the torrent from the cdimages server?

I got it from Martins’s site
BTW I used the HTTP service, just working to help the community and make sure the torrent is correct… :slightly_smiling:

Can confirm. Both torrents are the same and have the problem. Although, it did start to download from other peers, so it could’ve been possible to download trackerless. :slightly_smiling:

Thanks for alerting us.

Sadly I don’t make the trackers.