Hello everyone i’m known as gh05t3d. I am very new to the linux use. I’m giving a try to ubuntu mate since i recently installed Lm17.1 and kept having issues winth rendering mode/media accelerator.
Trying to find help ,somebody told me to try a sudo code,when i did all it did was wipe out my hard drive so i lost everything. I’m downloading the iso for mate now and will install shortly… If after install goes well i would love to hear tips on how to go about settings and stuff. Please keep in mind i have no knowledge of linux at all so bare with me when posting questions.
in the event you trying to help me with an issue,please post the command to use and i will post the results.
admin,sorry if its posted in the wrong section, Hope to hear from the members. Thank you for reading.
It’s good to familiarize oneself with the release notes for the distro and for Ubuntu in general. Then become familiar with the settings available in the Control Center and what they do. Then ask for help and/or learn from the posts on this forum, and I wouldn’t be too eager to try anyone’s sudo commands unless you have a good backup, an alternate machine (physical/virtual) to try things out on, or a willingness to reinstall as needed.
Hello and welcome G. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. You may be assured that people on here will do all they can to help out with setting your new linux rig up…
Thank you both,i been trying to install ubuntu mate from a usb iso but now working at all,stay blinking and that it.
did you check the md5sum before installing? i had to download 3 different iso files before i got one with the correct numbers…
No I didn’t, also when this laptop had windows it was 32 bits,does that matter as for what installer I get?
What are you running, right now? windows 7?
Right now I have no boot os
have another laptop or else?
yes im downloading the 64 bit iso right now to tranfer to the dead laptop im so frustrated.
This is what i guy replied to me,since i have no knowledge is used it.
(I’ve ran into this problem before. Try running this: sudo shred -zfn 3 /dev/sd* )
you need to check md5sum before install.
here’s link http://www.winmd5.com/
and check the matched number, here’s link>>> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/15.04/release/MD5SUMS
thank you jose,this will help me for sure, i cant believe somebody would tell to use that code
oh by the way, this is good program for bootable usb. https://rufus.akeo.ie/
This is the one I usually use if I am in MS Windows and trying to make a linux usb:
Thank you so much everybody for all your help. I am happy to say im a new Ubuntu mate user. I’m getting use to is now,trying to personalize it a little.
Admin/Mod you can close the thread if you like,you guys are awesome.
You can help yourself [SOLVED] in your title as a edit.