Hi folks
I need help! My Plank Dock is crashing in every session since a few days. First I used compiz, but in Marco the problem does still exist! Any suggestions?
Any thing change since it started? updates? New App installed?
Some automatic updates of Plank itself, I installed Back in Time for Backups, testdisk and gddrescue and I mounted my nas in fstab. For the moment Plank is freezing…
Mate MainMenu and statusbar is freezing as well…
Thanks for help! It seems to be better now. I realized, that I deleted my folder with numix-icons, which were linked with mate menu. After new linked Icons, the system runs better. Plank is still a bit buggy (missing setting menu), but normally updates came rolling!
For Info: I to reactivate plank menu, go to home> .config > plank > settings and change the parameter "ShowDockItem=false to =true