[SOLVED] Ubuntu Mate 15.4 on Raspberry Pi 2 1 GB - How start a terminal window at every start


I have installed your version and ir worked good.

Im have also my IP address such as but with kitty I can’t log in into this address.

II made thru the instrall process via my hdmi ty and usb mouse. My user is xyz. Then I reboot.

By now I don’t know how I get dircet into the terminal at the raspi Start?

kind regards!


To log into the pi from kitty you will need to ensure that SSH is enabled at boot. Also I would double check that, that is indeed the correct IP address. It may have changed if it was not set statically. You can usually check DHCP leases from the web interface of your router if you are unsure.

If you just require a terminal, when booted press CTRL+ALT+F2 to enter a TTY.

Do the following to enable terminal console at boot:

systemctl set-default multi-user.target --force
systemctl disable lightdm.service --force
systemctl disable graphical.target --force
systemctl disable plymouth.service --force

Hi thanks this was it! regards!

I assume you didnt want any graphical desktop environment, right?

Yes that's right! I hope that helped?

Please post in the relevant threads.

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