Hey folks I have downloaded the Ubuntu Mate 15.04 for Raspberry Pi 2 and followed the instructions for putting it a Micro SD Card. I place the SD card into my PI it seems as if it is booting but nothing is displaying on my monitor. The Monitor I have has three options VGA / DVI / HDMI. I have tried both HDMI and DVI ( HDMI to DVI converter ) I get nothing on the screen. What am I missing?? I really want to use this version as I do not really like Snappy core option. Please help !!!
Okay So I have seen that 23 folks have taken a look at my topic. Does not anyone have a possible option I should try?
So what I have done so far.
I have put the image on the SD Card using these instructions. https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/
I did this from my Ubuntu 14.04 Laptop. The Image copied onto the SD card with no errors.
I then placed my SD card into my PI 2 and plugged it up I saw HDD Activity on the PI that to me indicates that something is at least working. I have the HDMI hooked up to my Monitor Nothing appears. I then attach my HDMI cable to the HDMI to DVI Converter and restart nothing displays again. Is the pre-built image I downloaded suppose to work right out of the box??
I really really could use some help.
Edit boot/config.txt
the is an entry for, IIRC hdmi_overdrive. Set that to 2 and see if you get any display.
Wimpy Thank you so much for the suggestion. I found my issue it was a piece of hardware that was connected to my PI a simple speaker that was just screwing me up. It was weird but as soon as I took that off it started to work. I just feel kind of stupid that I did not try that to begin with.