Hi everybody.
I recently switched to Ubuntu MATE 12.04 LTS on my Samsung (ancient) NC10.
I activated hibernation in Ubuntu MATE 12.04, following a guide I found in the Ubuntu forum. Though it seemed to work at first glance, I discovered that networking is dead after resuming. “Dead” means that the wi-fi indicator in the system tray is an empty triangle, that the only available option in the drop-down menu is “Enable/disable networking” (that does nothing), that the “Fn-F8” shortcut usually available in my netbook for activating/deactivating the wifi does nothing. And this until I reboot.
Are you dual booting with Windows? If so try booting into windows and make sure the wifi is enabled.
Also how big is your swap partition? There has been a problem with people resuming with a small or no swap partition.This is usually a total lock up of the entire system but I’ve heard that it causes smaller things as well. Increasing the size of swap may solve it. The swap partition should be equal to the amount of ram in the machine.
If neither of these two works connect to ethernet and do updates. When I got a new router I was on 12.04 and my wifi just wouldnt work on it. Did updates and it was fine.
But if you are dual booting windows is usually the culprit. It has shut off my wifi several times on my Acer.
Thanks @UnkleBonehead. The swap partition is just a little bigger than the RAM amount, exactly to ensure hibernation were possible.
I am going to try the samsung-tools ppa as @CGB suggested and let you know.
Hi @CGB. This evening I restored from yesterday’s hibernation, and sadly I found the same situation again: though I installed the samsung-tools, I found again the networking not operative, as you can see in the attachment (if I managed to put the attachment…).
The system starts with the empty triangle, in the menu there is a ‘Networking disabled’ text, if I click the ‘Eneble networking’ item nothing happens.
I tried to cycle wifi on and off through the F9 key (now that it works, thanks to the samsung-tools!) and the corresponding notifications appeared, but nothing else happened.
It’s likely a configuration issue rather than a code fault. What is likely happening is the wifi driver/kernel module is not being reloaded on resume. A lot of chromebooks have the same problem. To overcome this on my Acer C720, I had to use a basic script to properly unload (on suspend) and reload (upon resume).
I’m getting smashed at work so I haven’t had time to test it on my old Samsung N210 (now my 3yo son’s Super Tux machine). Hopefully I’ll get more time to look at it on the weekend.
I haven’t installed Ubuntu MATE yet (still on the ‘normal’ Ubuntu, but won’t be for much longer), and my specific problem isn’t with Wireless networking — although I experienced the same symptoms. I found adding this:
service network-manager restart
to /etc/pm/config.d/config (create if doesn’t already exist) makes the networking function correctly after resume.
Thank you.
I am not at home now, I will try soon and let you know.
Thanks again.
Il 06/apr/2015 13:23, “Teh Some Luigi” [email protected] ha
Tonight I experienced the usual issue again, and the standalone sudo
command you suggested worked perfectly, thank you!
I then created the config file you suggested with the command line. I will
then see at the next recover from hibernation if it works as expected.
Thanks again for your suggestion, I’ll let you know.
Il 06/apr/2015 13:23, “Teh Some Luigi” [email protected] ha
Well, the first tentative went very well: the system recovered perfectly
from the hibernation, with the wifi working correctly.
I do hope we can consider the issue fixed: I will let you know in case of
problems. In any case, thank all of you very much for your help!