Sorting out why Chrome Crashes

I'm not seeing anything recent on this, so I'm guessing its not a widespread issue anymore. But, its been an issue for me the last couple months.

Chrome (Currently on 96.0.4664.45) crashes frequently. Mouse is responsive in the Chrome windows but buttons and keyboard aren't. The rest of the system remains functional. I can kill Chrome using pkill & restarting allows me to restore at the point it froze. Usually there's no crash message, but there is a crash file in /var/crash. That's about 100MB and I can't seem to find anything in it to tell me WHY (although I'm pretty clueless on what I'm looking at).

My workflow results in a lot of open tabs, but HTOP shows there's usually about 54GB of RAM free (out of 64) at the time of crash. Memory tests OK with memtest and the motherboard's diagnostics.

Not sure what to check next? TIA for any recommendations.

I don't know what the problem might be but when I had issues with a browser in the past, I would uninstall it and reinstall it. I am guessing 90% of the time that resolved the issue but there were quirks occasionally that required a further drill-down.

Is your Chrome direct from Chrome website or from the software boutique? Not sure if the boutique version is a Debian package or a .tar package.

Good luck and keep us posted. :v:

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I'll give reinstalling a try. Re-installation is almost a muscle memory step for me when troubleshooting Windows, but I never think to do it with Linux. I honestly don't remember how I installed Chrome originally. But, it appears as installed in the boutique and there's an option there to reinstall. So I can try that first. Thanks for the assist!

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