Sound indicator missing in Ubuntu mate 16.04

Hello everyone I just notice the sound icon indicator is missing from the top of my panel. Is there anyway to get it back on my panel?

Thanks so much

This is solved thanks so much

I was going to ask, was this with the indicator or non-indicator (default) layout that it’s missing on?

Please do share your solution in case it can help someone else. :slight_smile:

Sure It’s was the default indicator icons, for some reason it disappeared for the top menu.

Right click on the top panel and choose Add to panel, Then scroll down until you see three options as so - indicator applet, indicator applet appmenu, indicator applet complete I believe I choose the first option then click add and exit. Hope this helps others in need…

Thanks Rob, I just learned a new feature. Even the little things count, you know.
Appreciate the follow up.

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Yore very welcome glad I could help…

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Well done and thank you for sharing the solution, was indeed quite helpful !:+1:

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