I am on 24.04 LTS, and since upgrading to it, the system makes a pop sound before producing the sound. It's quite annoying. It's like "POP" before a song plays. I tried:
echo "0" | sudo tee /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save
ya its the Line out. That command seems to have fixed it. Because I don't know how to make it a permanent change I added the command to startup during boot. Thanks for your help!
I do too. My desktop system is doing the same. the fixes i have posted in the past don'seem to fix it, but as a stop gap i start bucklespring (a little program that gives you a clicky keyboard (it's a snap in the software center)). Hopefully
someone Has a more permanent fix.
The first one results in Access denied error and I don't think I should run this as actual root. I have not made the second change as I have not been able to test the first command using just sudo, Well I could use sudo caja...
Sheite! I installed bucklspring and I cant take the noise. I did a snap remove bucklespring, and the snap was removed but bucklespring is still running, ps -e|grep bucklespring
returns nothing and killall finds no process. Help! LOL
Regarding the 'popping' sound - I get those with my recently new stereo when I plug into my laptop - thing is at some lower sound settings it doesn't recognize some sites that produce sound so the stereo goes "sleep mode" and then when the sound gets louder it again "wakes up" with a pop. So that pop might be static or something - might be aux cable as well idk - but just to let you know it might also be the issue with connection