SSH into a live CD session

Installing the ssh server and being able to get to the login/password stage on the PC running a live session was no problem.

The user name is presumably ‘ubuntu-mate’, but what is the password?

Hi @lovingboth,

I didn’t try ssh but did confirm the password is blank. I don’t think sshd likes that so run passwd, hit return for old and give it a new one.

Also, passwd root works - it doesn’t even ask for the old one.

Hope this does it.


The password is blank by default for a live session, but SSH won’t work because you cannot login (for security reasons) with a blank password.

You can set a password as @Bill_MI suggested, or add PermitEmptyPasswords yes to the configuration file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

sudo echo "PermitEmptyPasswords yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo service sshd restart

Other solutions: