SSH via Internet

I can connect to my ssh server via my local wifi in my house. Now say I go to town away from my home, can I still connect to my ssh server from there thru the internet, and is entering the login info different than connecting at my home? I probably will connect from my Android phone using Andftp app. In other words, can I still connect using the same login info I use when I'm home, or do I have to login different when I'm away from home?

Thanks. :smile:

You can discover a lot of useful information by using a search engine. For example, I searched on "ssh connecting via internet" and came up with some fairly good pages. Please see -

You might alter the search terms to get examples that more closely fit your user case.

Oh and by the way, in connecting from outside your LAN you will be logging into your server in the same fashion as you do ordinarily with a user name and a password. Good luck @Rjs1943.