I wanted to be able to automatically stop and start all torrents between certain times. I have already enabled alternative speed limits in transmission but the torrents still connect to peers because they are live.
I thought I could just put commands in the crontab at the times I wanted but I can’t find any commands to do this with transmission-gtk. I saw commands for transmission-cli but I believe this is entirely separate from the gui, is that correct ?
So any ideas on how I could accomplish this ? Thanks
As far as I am aware, you can stop transmission mid-torrent-download and when you open it again, it will start the torrent-dwonload again form where it left off. That being the case, instead of trying to start and stop torrents inside transmission, just start and stop transmission itself
Hi, I need transmission to stay running so that I can add torrents to it remotely during the day. I add the torrents without starting them. Then at night, I want them to all start and then stop the next morning.
Transmission also offers a command line version however, I was looking for something that could work with the GUI based version. I’m not sure if transmission-cli can be used with transmission-gtx. It seems weird that the transmission GUI offers no way to start/stop torrents through the command line. I don’t want to give up the GUI.