Startup Applications - what order do they run in

In Startup Applications, do the programs run in the order listed?

I believe they will start in alphabetical order but there may be startup delays configured in the items in Startup that may affect the order of launch.

Hi on my 22.04 they are sorted alphabetically, but found this rather old post that may be a possible method to change order.

Also saw mention elsewhere of setting priority.

Thanks mickee for your help.

It is my undertanding that startup programs are run in alphabetical order.

Yet, runs first?

Why is that?

Time when /home/andy/bin/ ran is:
10:18:11 am 08/31/22
Time when /home/andy/bin/ ran is:
10:18:19 am 08/31/22


# Name of script that this is
echo Time when $0 >> $Startup_LogFile ran is:
date +"%I:%M:%S %P %D"  >> $Startup_LogFile

Maybe this is the case:
Upper case letters have a lower ASCII value than lowercase letters.
in other words:
Words beginning with one of the letters in the range A-Z come before letters in the range a-z.

So, you could try again with instead of and see if that works

This is the time when the post said it ran in alphabetical order.

answered Jun 17, 2011 at 15:52

Things in UM have probably changed a lot since then.

I tried your idea, but no luck.

Gooey guy here limited CLI skills. Possibly if you have chance try script with another hi placed letter in place of Z, such as X,x,Y,y.
Just an odd thought.

I have tried enough combinations to show that what letter it is named makes no difference.

I could add a sleep statement to other scripts, but I see no point.

Oops sorry did not catch your trying other letters than z.

Things changed probably with the introduction of systemd in user sessions, which tries to start everything at the same time.

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