Stoping Gimp from prompting to save files

My feeling is this.

Shame on you Gimp. :slight_smile:

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"One man's meat is another man's poison." This is likely a design decision. Likely based on user experience, where people spend a lot of time image editing and then quit the program without saving. Oops.


It's pretty conventional to prompt to save changes when closing a program with unsaved changes. It would really worry me if a desktop program can close by autosaving, and then restore it back for next time!

:keyboard: :ninja: Solution to skip prompt: Press CTRL+Q then CTRL+D very fast.


Thanks. You get the blue ribbon. :slight_smile:

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I can understand.

I once chopped a 8 inch diameter branch with a machete at my daughters house.

Because of my pain. I got about 30 minutes of pain relief and my son-in-law hid the machete. :slight_smile:

The problem is, I get the prompt after opening a file without any changes being done.

But please do not worry about it.

So I use a viewer in that case.