Suggestion - When i "Turn off Bluetooth" - it stays turned off even after restart

Dear team,

This should be normal behavior - on almost every operating system option that have “switch off/on”.
Every time, i login to my loving UM “Turn off bluetooth” is first thing i am doing - every single time.

And yes, i know how to stop bluetooth service and how to stop applet from auto loading - but then again what is the point of Turn Off option in bluetooth applet.



The “Turn Off” option is there so if you’d like to exit out for the remainder of your “session”. I don’t need Bluetooth either so I’ve gone to start up applications and removed it from the list. Not only do I not have to click out of it every time, but my system is just a little bit more lightweight. Oh yeah!! Try it out.

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Then same should be applied to mute sound right as they are both “hardware switches”. In that case If i mute sound when i restart it should be unmuted? But obvious it is not. Its almost like you put your own custom wallpaper and every time you restart default one popups.

I agree with you that it’s nonsensical . That’s why I disabled it from start up.

See the Blueman -> Plug-ins -> Power Manager -> Configuration you’ll find the option to auto-power on.


Thanks Wimpy. Unfortunately this method is not working, even when you turn off auto-power. I will have to disable service and remove applet from startup. :frowning: Guess this is the only solution.

WOW! Finally!!! Thank you!

It worked after reboot. I’m on Ubuntu Mate 18.04 and you’s think after all these years this kind of a thing would be the norm?

WimpyProject Leader
Apr '16

See the Blueman -> Plug-ins -> Power Manager -> Configuration you’ll find the option to auto-power on.

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Stumbled over this answer after getting mad about bluetooth self enabling after reboot.
This should be default setting in UM.