I removed ffmpeg and installed avconv to do my video conversions to mp3s.
Now this shows up in my terminal.
Command 'ffmpeg' not found, but can be installed with: sudo snap install ffmpeg # version 4.1.4, or sudo apt install ffmpeg See 'snap info ffmpeg' for additional versions.
ffmpeg is like an alien.
You mentioned you had an alias for cl to clear the screen. Where is that alias? (since I did not see that alias in your .bashrc) Do you have a .bash_aliases? Can you post its contents?
When your terminal starts, it runs something which contains the ffmpeg command and since you removed it, it complains it cannot find it. Have you customized your terminal to run commands?
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bash aliases 8/11/18
export PS1="\u@\h_\w$ "
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias new='ls -alt|more'
alias si='lsattr'
alias sc='cd /home/andy/bin'
alias dwn='cd /home/andy/Downloads'
alias doc='cd /home/andy/Documents'
alias hm='cd /home/andy'
alias x='exit'
alias date_time="date '+%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'"
alias cl='clear'
alias clean="CleanUp.sh"
alias al='alarm.sh'
alias th='echo marlin | sudo -S thunar'
alias ga='galculator'
alias speed='speedtest-cli'
alias sha='sha256sum .iso'
alias blame='clear; date +%I:%M:%S_%D >> Boot_Time.txt; systemd-analyze blame >> /home/andy/Downloads/Boot_Time.txt; systemd-analyze blame'
alias bootime="systemd-analyze"
alias RemoveSpaces='rename "s/ //g" '
alias mp42mp3=MOV="$";FILENAME=$(basename "${MOV// /_}" | sed 's/(.)-.*/\1/').mp3;ffmpeg -i "${MOV}" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 160k -ar 48000 "${FILENAME}"
After removing it, the problem went away.
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good ... the last alias does not seem correct so it skipped semicolons until it found the command ffmpeg. Note: when the terminal starts, it will source ~/.bash_aliases (if it finds that file).
I uninstalled ffmpeg and am now using avconv.