Systemd-Resolved does not recognize [Resolve] category [solved]

While I’m pretty sure this “bug” is upstream, I thought better check here to see if anyone else is experiencing this.

systemd[1]: /etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/override.conf:3: Unknown section ‘Resolve’. Ignoring.

However, you can check from /etc/systemd/resolved.conf that the section is indeed called Resolve


for completion sake, here’s the contents of my override.conf file contained in /etc/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service.d/override.conf


# FallbackDNS= 

I’m a bit ashamed about the above post. But I’ll leave it here for posterity.

The mistake was mine. Override files can only override .service files that define how the service is brought up, etc. you can’t put any other options in there. The place to make the edits was inside the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf which – works.

Another question, which doesn’t belong here, is how to get all these services to work together, networkmanager and dns pulled from dhcp with resolved / with vpn…