Teamviewer on Raspberry PI 2 Ubuntu Mate 15.10

Hi I am a IT major and like to ask my linux friends some stuff about my ubuntu pi 2 running 15.10. Can I do a teamviewer remote desktop to my Pi to show the UI and figure things out too?

Sadly, it seems Teamviewer is a x86/x64 application only, meaning it won’t run on the Raspberry Pi 2 (armv7).

For similar remote control functionality, an alternate would be an application that uses the VNC protocol.

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I was on youtube and I saw this guys layout. I know its a little dated but I don’t have the “remote” thing in search. Is this possible? you said if has VNC protocol. This says its built in. Does Mate have this or do I need a line to copy in terminal to install this like G part needed to be added.

I think the shared desktop function is what i needed I think.

I believe vino is already pre-installed (VNC Server for GNOME - which presents the Desktop Sharing dialog) - you should be able to access this dialog by typing:


But I don’t know if this works in Ubuntu MATE, I abandoned this program when switching from regular Ubuntu to Ubuntu MATE. It doesn’t seem to work any more. :confused:

I found a discussion trying to achieve this functionality in Ubuntu MATE 14.10, there a few different packages you could use:

Here’s a post by @sparticle, who has described one way to set up remote desktop sharing using x11vnc:

The instructions are for 15.04, but they should work in 15.10 for the Raspberry Pi.

There is a way to run Teamviewer on Raspberry Pi on Mate using Exagear Desktop, here is a simple instruction how to do that.