Terminal keyboard layout problem


I installed many times the Ubuntu Mate Edition in the german way. Any time if I go to in the terminal, the keyboard layout input is only in US. When I run the “sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration” command, it only setup temporally in “de_DE.UTF-8”. I have to repeat anytime when I goto in the terminal.
The only stupid solution is, if I add in the system settings / keyboard / language: United States, US-Englisch, then my german keyboard layout will be stay active in the terminal.


Hi @cb3hn,

check this link out and get back to us:

Also, go into Hardware > Keyboard layout settings in the Control Centre and add the German layout and remove the US one!.


there is nothing wrong of my keyboard layout input on my german Desktop system environment global. The only problem is inside in the MATE-Terminal.

This solution won’t fix. I have to add always a second keyboard layout, no matter what language. Then my preferred german keyboard layout is fixed.


Hi @cb3hn,

have you done all your system updates?:


did you use a DVD to install and did you follow this advice?:

Hey, cb3hn.

Try this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales. This will reconfigure the locale settings.

I do not use a DVD, only a bootable USB-Stick.
