I ran out of data. Can get more in 3 days. Does linux have a text based browser ? My speed now is slow.
Can I install Ubuntu Mate on an android fone?
I ran out of data. Can get more in 3 days. Does linux have a text based browser ? My speed now is slow.
Can I install Ubuntu Mate on an android fone?
Hi, @fixit7
Yes, as far as I know, at least the text-based web browser "w3m" - https://w3m.sourceforge.net - comes installed with "Ubuntu MATE 24.04 LTS" (and also probably with older and later versions of Ubuntu MATE). You can try, for instance, to run the following command in your computer and see if it works:
w3m https://ubuntu-mate.community
I hope this helps
Sorry, it did not work.
I am trying to install Lynx on my phone. I am at an emergency room.
Hi again, @fixit7
OK. I was convinced that the "w3m" text-based web browser came pre-installed with "Ubuntu MATE". Anyway, it's easy to install it with the following command:
sudo apt install w3m
I hope this helps
Thanks. I will install it when I get back home.
I ran out of data until mar. 3rd. I thought a text based browser would use less data.
It will also reveal to you how bloated some web sites have become. All images with no text.
Trust me on this.
I installed userland on my phone. And then used it to install Ubuntu. I could not figure out how to run it. Do you know how to root a phone?
Might be more convenient to set up Termux and proot-distro
, connected through VNC. But well, we're onto that now so it might be better to push on.
Maybe UserLAnd's documentation would help. Cheers!
Sure does..
My own system includes lynx
and w3m
from the default Ubuntu repositories.
Only yesterday I came to a news article I wanted to read; but it was behind a paywall; thus my standard reaction is to copy the URL to clipboard; switch to terminal and read it using either of those two [text] browsers (a huge portion of paywalls are done via scripts that lynx
won't run, so whilst I don't get the pictures; I get to read the text which is really what I want anyway)
I prefer using lynx
(or w3m
) for specific sites anyway; as I get the text without their flashing moving graphics/pics (w3m
has some graphics options; being a much newer browser than lynx
which has been around since 1992)
Both w3m
and lynx
have different advantages; so which I'll use will depend on what I want to do.
From what I understand here... if you're on mobile and attempting to install lynx
or w3m
, it might be better if you'd just use an Android browser and disable unnecessary stuff.
If you're using a browser with extension support, you're in luck. Otherwise, there's this thing called Violencello apparently.
I just verified for my most recent UM 22.04.5 LTS installation dating from last summer:
$ ls -tl /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | grep w3m
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 344 Jul 14 2024 /var/lib/dpkg/info/w3m-img.list
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3695 Jul 14 2024 /var/lib/dpkg/info/w3m.list
$ ls -tl /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | grep lynx
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 481 Jul 14 2024 /var/lib/dpkg/info/lynx.list
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6110 Jul 14 2024 /var/lib/dpkg/info/lynx-common.list
Meaning ...
So ... if it no longer included in later versions of UM, then there has been a change regarding the stance that text-based browsers should be part of the basic installation which, if that is so, I consider a mis-guided choice that overlooks the possible need to revert to desperate measures (a.k.a. text-only) for desperate times (things having gone desperately haywire).
Running a minimized install of Ubuntu Mate Noble. Happy to say w3m
is on my machine, thankfully.
I found w3m.
Is it just a command line program?
I've only used it (like lynx
) at terminal; both are text web browsers, and can be used interactively.
From man w3m
(my plucky release)
w3m is a text based browser which can display local or remote web pages as well as other documents. It is able to process HTML tables and frames but it ignores JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets. w3m can also serve as a pager for text files named as arguments or passed on standard input, and as a general purpose directory browser.
The advantage (over lynx
) I've always seen with w3m
is the ability to handle inline graphics/images via w3m-img
add-on (I still mostly use lynx
I'm a little confused. You said you wanted to restrict the amount of data you were pulling via the web, and now you're interested in graphics in w3m? Isn't that defeating the entire purpose?
If you're data is that limited then spending less time online might help. Use it only when you truly need it.
Hi, @OldStrummer
You wrote:
Indeed, you are probably a little confused It was @fixit7 that wanted to use a text-based web browser to use less data:
Then, @guiverc told us that he (also) uses text-based web browsers, but for different purposes than @fixit7's goal of reducing data usage, namely to be able to read articles behind paywalls and also to "get the text without their flashing moving graphics/pics":
I hope this helps in clearing up your confusion
Thanks for the tip. I never thought of it that way. I will give it a try.
It works on pages that tease the start of the text, and then you see it washed out as its turns to advert asking you to sign up, or login to read the rest.
The simple text browser just presents the initial text page I want to look at, without running their scripted code that layers over that text the tease and advert.
Alas not all paywalls are constructed that way; some give nothing until you're logged in; thus a text browser cannot help you there; but when you see the page you'll very soon get a feel of those where it'll work, or those you don't try anyway.
Some sites where I just prefer using lynx
as their pages are so full of flashy promotions I find distracting (stuff even an adblocker doesn't work well).
Just an FYI, I tried using w3m https://ubuntu-mate.community
and I could view the page, but the colors as they appeared on my terminal were just a pain (I'd need to change color preferences or use a different terminal) but sorry I'm lazy so switched to lynx
(which I know better anyway) and accessing the site using lynx https://ubuntu-mate.community
I was able to peruse the site, search for this text browser thread, and view/read it.
I didn't sign in (I rarely do in text browsers) as I mostly use them for reading textual content, but I could navigate around the site without issue; though of course I have the benefit of using that browser on occasion.
My issue with w3m
was the just colors (blue text on black, where my terminal is allowing bleedthru of windows & wallpaper behind window just didn't work for me)
I'm also NOT using a phone; I don't use phones to surf the web unless I have to, I wait until I'm at a desktop (or have a decent laptop).
It does, indeed. I didn't see the previous comment, and to my surprise, I learned that w3m is able to pass paywalls! That's nice to know, although now in retirement, I care less about the news and online happenings. Still, it's another arrow in the quiver...