The Beginners’ Guide to Using the Linux Terminal

Use TLDR or Man Pages for Help

While man pages are comprehensive, they can sometimes be overwhelming for beginners. Enter TLDR (Too Long; Didn’t Read). It’s a simplified version of man pages that gives you quick examples and concise definitions of the requested command. You’ll need to install it with your default package manager, such as using APT on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install tldr

I have found man pages useless for myself over the years. I had never heard of tldr, but will give it a try. I posted this because I think a lot of other people might feel like I do about man pages.


Could be handy, thanks. But I'm not sanguine enough to believe tldr will be the answer to ALL questions regarding bash commands. For example, I've been tinkering with clamav and freshclam (which I think everyone without malware detection and elimination should consider), and the manual pages are comprehensive to the point where I need to resort to the documentation. The problem is, where do I go after get super confused by reading the docs? :dizzy_face:

But why? To the sources, of course! :laughing:


I have a fairly long reply to this, but I'm going to post it in the Cuppa n' Brew category, as it's tangential to this topic, but may be an interesting read for newcomers to Ubuntu/MATE.