@guiverc https://ubuntu-mate.community/u/guiverc :
Thanks for replying & your well meaning words.
I waited for NorbertX to see my reply - and it seems he has, so now...
Your reply above is actually off-topic for this thread IMO, and;
Frankly I am terminally worn out with any & all update & upgrade lecturing regarding ANY OS - but especially when it comes to Linux.
Yes - I am well aware of this:
And my response is shown here:
And as for updating AND upgrading, the title here really aims at my POV on both aspects of keeping an OS in operation:
Personally speaking=>
Back before I gave up my occupation of supporting many users of that 'other' OS, all of them either quit changing things and stood with XP, or stayed with me while I changed all of them over to using U/M, and AFAIK, the largest commercial network I used to support STILL uses XP for its entire operation including file storage and POS stations.
(I now only assist U/M users, thankfully.)
With the exception of 1 U/M user who literally died of old age (~90 y/o), ALL those whom I still support have really nice installations of U/M 20.04.x now, and are delighted with their PCs and especially love the lack of problems anymore, thereby.
Given the number of times that I've seen U/M updating go FUBAR - including 2 recent efforts from 20.04.2 to 20.04.3 wherein both NBs had perfectly working wifi & wired ethernet BEFORE vs. the ethernet vanishing completely & having ONLY wifi afterwards;
I just say=> Meh.
Updating my 18.04.x 'daily driver' box has also brought me some severe problems before - and when I ran the upgrade for 20.04 on it what came out of that effort was so completely FUBAR as to be 100% useless - so back to 18.04 it went - and there it shall stay until I make another well tested & proven installation of 20.04.x which is totally ready via my work box, 100% separately.
Fortunately I am the sort who prefers to have the umbrella AND the hooded rainjacket, so restoring when things go badly from a full system image is the quick fix - always.
I am in ZERO hurry to participate in any further see-cure-it-tay updates on my own most used PC & not the least bit concerned given that most Linux distros are incredibly wonderful without all that gimcrackery.
But lest I come across as a nerdy ingrate:
Thanks very much for caring enough to poke about the 'need' to update here.
(I do so wish that there could be underlining here...)