The old "Appearance Preferences > Visual Effects" tab used in the old Gnome2

@lah7 Which animations are you talking about? Are you saying Freely Transformable Windows? I have that problem on my system.

@lah7 Thats really cool to know that wayland can do that :slight_smile:

Ermā€¦ he should had typed in a terminal compiz --version to begin with. But, I would wager to say that is Compiz 0.9.

Compiz 0.9, despite it lacking all the extras older users may want is still a very capable compositor and window manager. Though he could still install Compiz Reloaded on there, most people donā€™t need it, frankly and I have it because I can.

It was the 3D desktop cube that I tried, but other animations like window opening/closing felt a lot smoother in Compiz 0.8 than 0.9.

Compiz from UM 14.04.

True. Compiz with AMD open source driver. I like AMD radeon driver. Itā€™s better than nouveau open source driver for Nvidia.

Very clear picture, but the video is somewhat blurred because YouTube compresses 1280x800 to 720p. Spinning the Cube doesnā€™t tax the CPU (maybe 20%). It was Simple Screen Recorder that took all my CPU cycles.