I have tried to logon onto existing Yahoo and Gmail accounts. i get the message that Thunderbird failed to verify either the username or password. Suggestions Please
I have tried to logon onto existing Yahoo and Gmail accounts. i get the message that Thunderbird failed to verify either the username or password. Suggestions Please
i had the same problem with my gmail account some weeks ago.
I am using this settings:
imap.gmail.com with Port 993
SSL/TLS Passwort/normal
smtp.gmail.com with Port 587
STARTTLS Passwort/normal
In addition you have to check your settings in yout GMail-Account because you have to allow Thunderbird connecting GMail (go to your Google Account settings).
Allowing less secure apps GMail:
About Yahoo i don’t know the settings. But it may be possible there is a similar option…
See also: