I thought "Writeback" was the backlog of data (in memory) that needs to be written into the disk's EXT4 journal, not the backlog of memory going from journal to a "permanent" inode.
Writing to Journal is my interpretation of the "Writeback" scope. I don't perceive it as encompassing migrating that to its block of permanent residency.
Also, I think the answer may lie somewhere in this document, but that is way over my head.
But I also found this reference pointing to "/etc/systemd/journald.conf". I am very leery of any tinkering with that file and, given what is said here, I don't really see any point in tinkering with that.
----- edit -----
I think the method provided here is what I was looking for, because it offers a way to get the "queue" on a per partition basis.
Script to monitor:
### Script to monitor ongoing backlog for journal commit of EXT4 partitions on ROOT drive
### FUTURES: Rework with options and logic to allow choice of ROOT drive and BACKUP USB drive
### Path to root hard drive
dev=$( df / | grep '^/dev' | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -f3 -d/ | sed 's+[0-9]++g' )
prefDev=$(basename "${physDev}" )
cd "${physDev}"
details=$( mount | grep "/${dev}" | grep 'ext4' | awk '{ print $1, $3 ; }' | sort --version-sort )
#listDev=$( echo "${details}" | grep "/${dev}" | awk '{ print $1 }' )
#echo "${listDev}"
#baseDev=$( echo "${listDev}" | sed 's+/dev/++' )
#echo "${baseDev}"
printf "\n Partitions identified on ROOT device:\n"
echo "${details}" | awk '{ printf "\t %-12s %s\n", $2, $1 }END{ print "\n" }'
# $( s -d ${prefDev}* | sort --version-sort )
while [ true ]
printf "\n\n Journal queue per partition:\n"
echo "${details}" | sed 's+/dev/++' |
while [ true ]
read part label
test $? -eq 0 || exit
### Report value #9 of /sys/block/${dev}/${part}/stat
cat "${physDev}/${part}/stat" | awk -v lab="${label}" '{ printf("%15d %-12s\n", $9, lab ) ; }'
sleep ${scan_interval}
P.S. Version to selectively choose between ROOT and BACKUP USB device has been finalized and is available from my GitHub repository.