Tooltips in 17.04

I was using Ubuntu Mate 16.04 for quite a while and was very satisfied with it.

A week ago I updated to 17.04. All good so far and everything is working well.

Except this annoying tooltips are back. Can someone please let me know how to
get rid of them in 17.04. They drive me absolutely nuts.


[quote=“meaw229a, post:1, topic:13007”]Except this annoying tooltips are back.[/quote]Which annoying tooltips, could you post a screenshot?


For example. At the top where the menus are and it says -Applications, Places, System.
If the mouse goes over the menu always this tool tips show up.
Also if a menu is open any entry in there has more tool tips.
Pretty much anything on the desktop comes up with this (black + white) tool tips.

There are quite a few infos on the net how to turn the tool tips off but it seems for me
that this infos are outdated and do not work anymore.

I was able to disable them in 16.04 but in 17.04 not anymore.

If someone can help I would be thankful.

So, you mean those?

As mentioned in the article, if you switch to Compiz, you might be able to disable them.

Use dconf Editor. org-> mate-> panel-> general-> tooltips-enabled toggle to false. I use a custom Marco compositor and the tooltips that do show up (bottom panel) have a nice light yellow background and plain text.

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Can you show us a screenshot? :slight_smile:

I assume that you meant me. Here's a quicky.

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@mdooley, yes I meant you. :slight_smile:

They look great!

So, how does one implement those?

Speaking about tooltips,

does someone else have the following problem?

See -

Other than one setting, I've used stevecook's compton example as it works quite well. The theme I use is Traditional OK.

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