Topbar network indicator crashes on bootup

I’ve had som issues with the networkindicator in the topbar since 16.04. It shows up and then vanishes. I first noticed it on my Imac but since then I’ve swapped computers and I’m still having the issue on this new one. It’s not related to this particular install of Ubuntu Mate because it’s appeared after different installs. This is not a big issue but just annoying. Lately I’ve not had the crash popup. I’m not sure if this is related to me upgrading to Mate 1.14.1 or not.
I’m running Compiz but the default windows manager gives the same result.

If possible, I would like to know what error (if any) you have.

Open /var/crash/; the report may still be there. If it is, r-click on the report and open with Pluma. Scroll down to the bottom of this report and look for the crash error.

It should also be possible (I have not tried this) to revert back to mate 1.12 by using ppa-purge if you would like to test it.

And welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

This error by any chance?
nm-applet crash after boot - SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_remove_all()

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Is this sufficient?

It’s probably the same error that bedfojo is talking about. :slight_smile:


enp5s0 ethernet connected /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0 Trådbunden anslutning 1 90428ee3-44b3-4cf9-82fb-c19506bc5c1d /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/0
lo loopback unmanaged /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 – – –
Error: command [‘nmcli’, ‘-f’, ‘all’, ‘nm’] failed with exit code 2: Error: Object ‘nm’ is unknown, try ‘nmcli help’

4 posts were split to a new topic: Nm-applet crashed