Hi, I am new to Ubuntu Mate. I came over from Windows 10 just yesterday. I was wondering if there are anyway to enable touchpad gestures just like in Windows 10/Mac, where 3 finger swipe up will show us the current apps running and 3 finger swipe down minimizes the current running app just like in Windows 10.
I installed touchegg and it doesn’t seem to work.
Any form of help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
There are some gesture plugins for libinput1, which is the new trackpad driver to replace synaptics, the driver that is in use now. GNOME 3 already uses libinput, but most other desktops do not yet.
MATE does not support libinput yet, so if you install it2, the touchpad controls won’t work, although you can manually configure it using config files. The MATE developers are working on libinput support, and it looks like it’s getting close (e.g. see MATE Control Center issue 133).