Tried and True post

Nice list!
You might consider making this list into a “tried and true” post … finding the correct programs was somewhat daunting for me … the task was made easier finding that I could experiment with TBird, FireFox, VLC, & LibreOffice on Windows.

Actually, I’m thinking of including it in a chapter of a certain project I’m working on.:construction_worker:

Would you mind if I used your list as the basis for a tried and true post of my own? - of course including a reference to you.

Hallo pfeiffep

FOSS (Free Open Source Software) is all about sharing and helping each other. Particularly in the world of GNU/Linux we are always standing on other people’s shoulders. Please feel free to use the information contained in the list to help yourself or others. :relaxed:

I would, however, suggest that out of consideration to those who might read and act upon your planned “post” you install and try out each of the programs before recommending them to others. This builds a certain degree of “quality control” into the forum. After trying out one of the programs I’ve listed you might have a different opinion regarding it’s usefulness, or you might have encountered difficulties (installation, crashing, etc.) on your UM installation that I’ve not had. In this way you’ll be increasing the value of the information you’re passing on. :grinning:



Copy and paste is not the same as tried and true :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing your list of preferred software applications. Have you considered adding some of these to the list of programs to add to the software boutique?

Hallo Maro

Two of the forum moderators are aware of this list. Furthermore, Mr. Wimpress and the team have been around the block, I’m sure they are aware of each of the programs listed. Some are from the KDE environment and may not be considered appropriate for inclusion in the boutique for that reason alone. Etc.

If I remember rightly they can all be installed via synaptic, although I do admit to installing Calibre from the developer’s website, as it runs better for me when installed that way. Looking to the future, a “snappy” package for Calibre would be interesting… :penguin:

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