Two applications that should be removed from Boutique

Ack! It’s the opposite of what we want.

But there are two applications that should be probably removed due to the issues they present.

Internet > Liferea

A feeds reader.
This application doesn’t play nice with the Ubuntu-Mate panel, and has an persistent bug report since at least 2013. Its tray icon doesn’t work and in fact the application tends to crash if enabled. Also needs to be killed from the command prompt if minimized to the tray.

Alternatives: Don’t really have one. I use Claws Mail RSS plugin.

Office > ReText

A markdown and reStructuredTex editor.
This application does a bad job at rendering reStructuredText, not respecting the specification and adopting weird choices, like forcing the document title into an HTML title tag (which is a big no-no!) and ignoring the subtitle completely, making this tool useless for .rst document rendering. Markdown rendering is equally plagued by what the developer thinks should be done and not what the language specification actually states, making the whole application just not useful at all and in fact not advised for anyone wanting to work with .md/.rst files.

Alternatives: Unfortunately also none. There’s plenty of choices of course! And Pandoc is the king of them all; the one stop for rendering of numerous markup-like specifications, including flawless respect for markdown and reStructuredText specifications. But not anything fit to the Boutique. They are all console based applications, including Pandoc.

I agree on Liferea, found it very slow. There needs to be a better native alternative. Bamboo Feed Reader works good for blog feeds in Thunderbird, unfortunately it’s not that great for video and mp3 feeds.