Typhoon weather app installation problem

I’m trying to install the Typhoon weather application through ppa. I’m running

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/typhoon
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install typhoon

but I get the error E: Unable to locate package typhoon.
Why is that? Is someone else experiencing the same issue? I had no problem installing it in Xubuntu 14.04 in the past.

And that happens to be the last time it was updated. Change your software source to read quantal thats the only release offered at present.

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Oh, you’re right! I forgot to check the version…

FYI, per the Typhoon support page, Typhoon is down due to Yahoo API changes. They are not giving a projected fix date.

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Yes, I thought I did mention that, but it seems that my answer never got posted. Bad internet connection I suppose…