Typos in installation screen text

I realize this is a rather anal observation (and, hence, of the lowest priority), but there are several instances of unhyphenated compound adjectives in the text that appears during installation. For example:

This ought to read: "A community-developed, Ubuntu-based operating system . . . ."

Also, in the next screen ("About"), the phrase "single board computers" should likewise be rendered "single-board computers."

That is all. If no one gives, at least I'll have said my piece. :slight_smile:


Welcome, and thank you for sharing your observations. :slight_smile:

Ahh, language… especially English, they’re so very complex. :flag_gb: :flag_us: :astonished:

If you’d like to contribute the tweaks, how trivial they may be, the installation slideshow is called Ubiquity:

Source Code (English US)

Translations (including English GB)

I can’t say I know Launchpad inside out, but it’s an indicator where you can make these changes happen for the next release. :point_up:

I am bound to say, I tend to occasionally notice a lack of proper clauses in the sentence structure of text.

Yes, I am also a grammar Nazi…:grin: