Ubuntu 16.04 Mate desktop dock is missing intermittently

I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Mate desktop on my 32bit ARM board, and all works okay, but some time dock is missing and after some reboot, dock is visible properly.
Any suggestions or pointers to debug the issue ?
Attached the working & not working dock:

Thanks for the help.

Be aware, Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 LTS is end-of-life.

Refer Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS reaches end of life

Flavors have 3 years of supported life for LTS releases, 5 years applies to main Ubuntu desktop, server LTS releases.


Okay thanks for the update.
Atleast any clue for this issue ?

Ubuntu and flavors don't want to encourage people using unsupported or past-EOL software, thus you may not get much support from people associated with Ubuntu projects, flavors, members etc.

We of course are happy for people to continue using our software past its supported life (we silently smile often), hope you're offline, but usually move on to other posts.

I'm not a Ubuntu-MATE team member, have no authority here, but I am affiliated with other Ubuntu projects & teams. If i'm wearing a hat, I see this as my Ubuntu News hat being worn trying to publicize the 3 year supported life of Ubuntu flavors